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马耳他港口英文名称(Exploring the Ports of Malta)

Exploring the Ports of Malta

The Grand Harbour

The Grand Harbour, located in the capital city of Valletta, is one of the largest natural harbours in the world. Over the years, it has served as a military base and a trading hub, making it an important part of Malta’s history. Today, it remains a popular port for cruise ships and yachts. The harbour is also home to the historic Fort Saint Angelo, which was built by the Knights of St. John in the 16th century to protect the harbour from invaders. Visitors can take a boat tour around the harbour to see the fort and other landmarks such as the Baroque church of Our Lady of Liesse.

Marsamxett Harbour

Marsamxett Harbour is another important harbour located in Valletta. It is smaller than the Grand Harbour but equally picturesque. The harbour is surrounded by several fortifications, including Fort Manoel, which was built by the Knights of St. John in the 18th century. Today, it is used as a conference centre and a venue for cultural events. Visitors can also enjoy a leisurely walk along the harbour promenade, which offers stunning views of the sea and the city. The promenade is lined with several restaurants and cafes, making it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.

Cirkewwa Harbour

Cirkewwa Harbour is located on the northernmost tip of Malta and serves as the main gateway to the island of Gozo. It is also a popular spot for scuba diving and snorkelling due to its crystal-clear waters and abundant marine life. Visitors can take a ferry from Cirkewwa to Gozo, where they can explore its charming villages, stunning beaches, and historic landmarks such as the Ggantija temples, which are believed to be one of the oldest freestanding structures in the world. Cirkewwa Harbour also offers several facilities such as a car park, a tourist information centre, and a bus terminal, making it a convenient stop for travellers. In conclusion, the ports of Malta offer a glimpse into the island’s rich history and vibrant culture. From the bustling Grand Harbour to the serene Marsamxett Harbour and the scenic Cirkewwa Harbour, each port has its own unique charm and attractions. Whether you are a history buff, a sea lover, or a curious traveler, Malta’s ports are definitely worth exploring.
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