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大学四级英语证书查询官网(How to Check Your College English Test Score)

How to Check Your College English Test Score

If you have taken the College English Test (CET) in China and want to know your scores, the first place you should go to is the CET official website. By following a few simple steps, you can easily find out how well you score on the test, which is often used as a benchmark for English proficiency among college students in China. Here is a brief guide on how to check your CET score online.

Step 1: Go to the CET official website

The official website of CET (http://cet.neea.edu.cn) is the only reliable source for checking CET scores. It is important to make sure that you go to the official website to avoid any potential scams or fake results. Once you are on the homepage, you will see several options, including CET-4 and CET-6, which are the two most common versions of the test.

Step 2: Select the relevant version of the test

Click on the corresponding version of the test you have taken and you will be directed to a new page. You will need to enter your personal information, including your name and identification number, to verify your identity. Make sure that you input the correct information to avoid any errors or delays in receiving your scores.

Step 3: Check your scores and download your score report

After you have submitted your information, you will be able to access your CET scores online. The scores will be displayed on the screen, along with your name and other personal information. You can download your score report as a PDF file by clicking on the corresponding button. The score report is an official document that shows your performance on the test and can be used for college applications, job interviews, and other purposes.

In conclusion, checking your CET scores online is a simple and convenient process that can be completed in just a few minutes. By following the steps outlined above, you can access your scores and find out how well you did on the test. Remember to keep your score report safe and secure, as it is an important document that can be used for various purposes throughout your academic and professional career.

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