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scare off the monster(Keep Your Fright at Bay How to Scare Off the Monster)

Keep Your Fright at Bay: How to Scare Off the Monster

Almost everyone is scared of monsters at some point in their life. They are the stuff of childhood nightmares, and even as adults, we can feel uneasy when it's late at night and we're alone. However, there are things we can do to alleviate our fear and possibly even scare off the monster. Here are some tips:

1. Turn on the Light

Being scared of the dark is a common fear among children and adults alike. Turning on the lights in your room is a simple way to scare off the monster, as they typically prefer to lurk in the dark. A brightly lit room will make it more difficult for them to hide and surprise you.

So, invest in a good night light or keep the curtains open to let in natural light. You can also use an app on your phone that simulates a night light or ambient light to keep your room comfortably lit while you sleep.

2. Keep Your Room Neat and Tidy

Monsters love cluttered and messy spaces as it gives them plenty of places to hide. Keeping your room neat and tidy will make it less appealing to these creatures, and you'll feel more relaxed when you go to bed.

Clear away any clutter on the floor and tidy up the bedcovers every morning. Put away any toys, magazines or anything else that takes up unnecessary space. Not only will this scare off the monster, but it will also make your room look and feel more inviting.

3. Use Your Imagination to Scare off the Monster

Imagination is a powerful tool, so why not use it to your advantage? Instead of being scared of the monster in your room, imagine that you are a brave hero and they are the monster that you need to defeat.

Picture yourself with a magic sword or wand, and use it to ward off the monster. Imagine casting a spell that blinds them or transports them to another dimension. Not only is this sure to scare off the monster, it's also a fun way to turn your fear into something positive.

In conclusion, being scared of monsters is normal, but it should not control our thoughts or actions. By following these tips, you can scare off the monster and take control of your fear. Remember, monsters are not real. It's only our imagination that creates them, so it's in our power to get rid of them.

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