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during英语怎么读谐音(How to Pronounce “During” in English A Guide)

How to Pronounce “During” in English: A Guide

When it comes to pronouncing words in English, there are many that can be tricky to say correctly. One word that often causes trouble for learners of English is “during.” In this article, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for pronouncing this word like a native speaker.

The Basics of Pronouncing “During”

The first thing to know about the pronunciation of “during” is that it is a three-syllable word. The stress is on the first syllable: “DUR-ing.” This means that you should emphasize the “dur” sound when you say the word.

To produce the “dur” sound, start by making a soft “d” sound with your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Then, lower your tongue and release a breath of air to make the “ur” sound. Finally, add an “ing” sound at the end. Try saying it slowly at first: “d-d-dur, ur, ing.”

Pronunciation Practice with “During”

One way to improve your pronunciation of “during” is to practice saying it in different contexts. Here are a few phrases you can try:

  • During the day
  • During the meeting
  • During the movie
  • During the summer

As you say these phrases, pay attention to the stress on the first syllable and the “ur” sound in the middle. Remember to keep your tongue relaxed and release a steady flow of air as you speak.

Tips for Mastering “During”

Here are some additional tips to help you perfect your pronunciation of “during”:

  • Listen to native speakers: One of the best ways to learn how to say a word like “during” is to hear it spoken by someone who speaks English fluently. Pay attention to the way they emphasize the first syllable and make the “ur” sound.
  • Record yourself: Another useful tool is to record yourself saying “during” and listen to the recording. This will help you identify any areas where you need to improve.
  • Practice regularly: As with any skill, practice makes perfect. Set aside time each day to practice saying “during” and other challenging words.

With these tips and some diligent practice, you’ll be able to pronounce “during” like a native speaker in no time. Good luck!

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